Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Have You Succumbed To The Dark Side Of Network Marketing?

As I was watching one of my all time favorite movies, Star Wars, today, I was reminded of my first years in Network Marketing and the hotel meetings that were the "proper" way back then to build a Network Marketing business.

You may have been to one of these types of meetings before, but let me give you a quick rundown of how they usually went.

False excitement fills the crowd as someone rapidly walks on-stage, grabs the mike, and spends the next ten minutes telling you how much of a privilege it is for him to be here, and how privileged you are to be there, to listen to Mr. X, who's a super successful businessman, that only today decided to fly in from some exotic locale, just so he could show you how to be super successful too.
And won't you please give a big round of applause for Mr. X! (at this time a bunch of people in the front rows all jump up and start clapping ecstatically and whistling)

Begin Theme Music: Darth Vader March Dum Dum Dum Dum De Dum Dum De Dum

Mr. X, dressed in a professionally tailored suit, diamond cuff links, rolex, and diamond ring, slowly makes his way from the back of the room to the front, taking the time to point to people in the crowd and shake a few hands.

As he makes his way on-stage, he stops to shake the hand of the person who just spent the last ten minutes introducing him, who almost faints from the excitement of being in such close proximity to Mr. X.

Mr. X then spends the next 45 minutes explaining how he went from a dirt poor sharecropper to a multi-millionaire, with all the money, houses, cars, boats, etc, to prove it, and all because of network marketing. He even pulls out a wad of $100 dollar bills and explains that he never leaves home now without at least $10,000 in what he calls "traveling money". After that he spends less than 5 minutes "Showing The Plan", hands off the mike to another person who closes the meeting by telling you to get back with the person who brought you there.

Does any of that sound familiar? What just happened?

You were being seduced by the Dark Side of Network Marketing.

The money, the exotic vacations, the clothes, the jewelry, etc...

The Dream of Overwhelming Abundance.

These things in and of themselves are not a part of the Dark Side.
It was the tactics that were being used in those meetings that were.
The Hype, The Lies, and The Misleading Statements...

Think about it. Have you succumbed to the Dark Side?

Darryl Dunnaway is a successful network marketer who firmly believes that anyone can achieve the goals they truly desire. He freely shares what he has learned in his 15 years in the network marketing industry on his blog "Confessions of an Ex-Network Marketing Junkie" at

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Why Network Marketing?

Perhaps a better question to ask would be "Why Not Network Marketing?"
Of all the various types of home businesses, Network Marketing has proven itself over the years to be the leading method by which the average person can achieve above average results.

Thousands of people, just like you, join Network Marketing companies every single day. Whether you’re only looking to make a few hundred dollars extra each month or create a large residual income, Network Marketing can help you achieve your goals.

"But what exactly is Network Marketing?"

Network Marketing is a method of moving products from the manufacturer to the consumer via word of mouth advertising. Instead of the middleman (wholesaler or jobber) taking his or her cut before moving the product to the retailer, the ability to earn that money is passed directly on to you, the Network Marketing distributor.

For example, a traditional brick and mortar business model goes something like this:

Manufacturer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer

The manufacturer creates the product and sells it to the wholesaler/jobber who then raises the price and moves the product to the retailer. Since the retailer is in business to make a profit, he too must raise the price. The end effect is that the consumer could be paying a lot more than they should be for that particular product.

The Network Marketing business model is somewhat different.

Network Marketing Company -> Distributor (You) -> Consumer

In this example you can see that the Network Marketing Company is selling the products directly to you, the distributor, and you move then on to the end consumer. This allows you, the distributor, to receive the difference in price from wholesale to retail, which would, in a traditional business model, be taken by the wholesaler and retailer.

But that’s only part of it. When you help someone else get started in his or her own Network Marketing business, you will receive an override, or residual, on the volume of business that person does, which can, in and of itself, end up being a large portion of your overall earnings.

"But I’ve heard that Network Marketing has a 95% failure rate."

This is true of all small businesses, home and traditional brick and mortar, not just Network Marketing, but the figure tends to be incredibly misleading.

People quit things all the time for various reasons, not just Network Marketing. Maybe they didn’t understand that Network Marketing does require work, or they don’t have enough time to build it right now, or possibly the time just isn’t right for them.

Whatever the reason people quit, they don’t want to admit to themselves why they quit, so they end up blaming Network Marketing in general or this or that company in particular. This is why Network Marketing gets such a bad rap in the media.

But thousands upon thousands of people worldwide are earning a portion of or a large part of their incomes directly from Network Marketing. So the business model does work…if you work it.

Whether you get involved with Network Marketing or not is your decision. I’d recommend that you keep and open mind, do your due diligence, investigate several different companies, and then make your decision, based not other people’s opinions, but your own research.

Darryl Dunnaway is a successful network marketer who firmly believes that anyone can achieve the goals they truly desire. He freely shares what he has learned in his 15 years in the network marketing industry on his blog "Confessions of an Ex-Network Marketing Junkie" at

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